How much you can earn on Forex

  There is a concept of trust management. An investor gives his funds to the trader’s management. The trader has a profit, when he trades on Forex, and the profit is usually halved between the investor and the trader. The process is automated in this age of technology. The investor opens a trade account in some Dealing Center, replenishes the account, chooses the investor and gives funds to the trader’s management by clicking the button. One of the possibilities to learn exactly how much you can earn on Forex is to type in the search system:
“PAMM accounts” and to look how much the traders get in any period.

You must follow several simple rules in order to calculate it exactly: you should pay attention to the accounts which exist not less than a year. You should also pay attention to the amount of funds under the trader’s management. We are interested only in the accounts of more than 100 000. Dollars, of course. The more the account is – the more trust you have. Thus you will get the information about how much you can earn on Forex not having heard stories but from the first source.

  According to my observation, a good manager earns a profit from 10% a month up to 20 %. Little? Well, actually that’s very much. Do you want more? It can be more. Of course it can. It’s possible to do it on small deposits generally. Why with little money? For many reasons. One of them is that with the growth of the deposit the Dealing Center reduces the leverage, gradually reducing it to nothing. The second reason is that just psychologically it’s not easy to manage with large amounts. Imagine for a moment that you have half a million on your account. You make an unsuccessful deal and 5 thousand say Good Bye to you. Severe, isn’t it? You should also consider the factor that you have submitted make-believe money, and it’s much easier to risk unreal money than hard-earned money.

how much can you earn on Forex

  Well, and how much can you earn on Forex with a small deposit? You can afford dealing with the risk of 3% of the deposit on small ones. That’s the maximum. It’s not my task in this article to describe how to play correctly Russian roulette.

You can earn on Forex

 That’s why 3% and not more. With the development of a good profitable system, it’s real enough to earn 100 and more percent a month. Not immediately, it will take some time to learn, to develop the trade system and to prepare psycologically. Yes, not everyone will manage to do it and not at once. Not everyone can become a good weightlifter. But yet this is real. I assure you – it’s really very good to get at last a stable profit of 10-20% a month, having set such a high standard for your ambitions.
After you get tough, in the future, in 2-3 years or maybe more, you’ll be able to become a manager of a PAMM account yourself. A million, two million and more are not a fantasy account in management at all.


  If you want to obtain such means to the management, it’s necessary to aim yourself at the stable, not risky, lucrative trade even at the start, and to make every effort to it. Investors don’t like drawdown – minus on deposit. When you bring your trade to the drawdown of not more than 10% and to the stable profit of 10% and more per month, you can safely open a PAMM account. I assure you that at such rates the investors will not be long in coming, they will draw to your account like a stream.




Wish you great profits! Good luck!






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